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tHe gIrLz

Anyone wanna go to the... DISCO?!
Make sure you listen to the little sound clip near the bottom... MAIL MOTHAFUCKA!

Nicole and Beth

Nicole, Beth, me, and I think Alex might be in there somewhere!

The Penis Cake that we made for Niki's birthday!

BeThAnY, aLeX, ZuZiA, NiCoLe, ChRiStIe a.k.a. THE GIRLZ,
Ladies... lookin good! ;)
I'd like to share the story of how I met Bethany... we were at school, good ol' SPSS in grade 10, standing outside... when a seagull started to circle above us. And it *SPLAT* .. shat on Bethany's head, which splattered on to Jen M. We rushed to the bathroom and Beth started to cry, a mixture of disgustion (that's not a word, I think) and laughter. And that, my friends, was the beginning of a beautiful friendship.
You girls have made this year amazing... so many funny moments: Spock, Silent Bob, the seagull, THE RUPTURE! (best memory ever), What Is Love, the techno beats, our Romanian Tunes, when Rodriguez told Nicole he liked her hair, Bad Habits calendar, Zuzia trying to get outta the Jeep, that girl that always walks by in our hall when we're talking about the weirdest things, THE PARTY HALL, Alex when she decided to go to Australia.... which is located in Beth's sub-basement?? I'll pack my shit!, all our drunken misadventures, Boxhead, I've never ever, the penis mould as a cake, brownies... and A JELLO SHOOTER!, beer+rye+tequila+vodka, Maxine, Is Mother Theresa black?, spilt/broken drinks, NEW YEARS! Fuckin A, I hope Zuzia has a speedy recovery, the disturbing-ness of I've never ever on NY ... and so many other good memories. I love you girls to pieces, the rest of the year will be kickass! xoxo

HEY PORNSTAR! Oh my, I love you so much, I'm glad we became friends. The drunken memories I have... let's not repeat them haha
 I feel so much closer to you all now. Bars soon, eh? I can't wait till your wedding. You're such an awesome girl and you deserve the best. And you have the most gorgeous baby! xoxo

My darling... remember Business class? So brutal, but that's how we met so I love it! The Coz... "I heard you have a big penis.", Nicole and her curiousity haha we've had so pretty good times... you really should listen to my warnings about guys lol I love you baby! xoxo

Beth always manages to make me look stoned in pictures haha

The cake mould makes another appearance...
Ahh, classic, the jello shooter!

Ashley and I

Me and Beth

Me and Melissa

Zuzia, Alex, Nicole, and moi

Alex super drunk after we drew on her face


Beth & her French exchange partner, Julie
Yes, my little Bethany went to France for 3 months!


This is the one and only Christie!!